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FactionMaster is a new faction plugin that aims at flexibility and customization of the plugin by the user and the developers. It includes all the basic functionality of a faction plugin and data storage in MySQL or SQLITE. This is done by adding an extension system and a translation system. FactionMaster has a will of accessibility to the players and especially not to have to remember a lot of commands to play, all is done via interface.
Updated 3 months ago


For using PureChat with FactionMaster, you must use my PureChat fork and download the last release :

FactionMaster is a new faction plugin that aims at flexibility and customization of the plugin by the user and the developers. It includes all the basic functionality of a faction plugin and data storage in MySQL or SQLITE. This is done by adding an extension system and a translation system. FactionMaster has a will of accessibility to the players and especially not to have to remember a lot of commands to play, all is done via interface.

The PVP Faction mode is a game mode that consists of creating your faction and growing it. You can ally with other factions, fight and even request territories. All the available features will be listed in another section.


FactionMaster have multiple server support, see the Installation section for more information

Feature FactionMaster FactionsPro PiggyFactions SimpleFaction
SQLite3 Support
MySQL Support
Multiple claim
Multiple faction home
Image for UI (Texture pack)
Translation system
Extension system
Per Faction Permissions
SQL Injection Protection
Command Autocomplete
Form UI
Async Queries
Faction level
Custom level reward
Faction/ally chat
Awaiting invitation
Faction visibility
Editable message
Custom event
Claim title
Scoreboard faction top
Banned faction name

Additionnal plugins

  • ScoreHUD v6.0.0: FactionMaster support this plugin and implements all this tags :
    • factionmaster.faction.power
    • factionmaster.faction.level
    • factionmaster.faction.xp
    • factionmaster.faction.message
    • factionmaster.faction.description
    • factionmaster.faction.visibility
    • factionmaster.player.rank
  • PureChat: To use PureChat tags, download our fork of it here


  • If you just want to use it on the same machine, no special installation is required, just download the .phar plugin and put it in the plugins folder.
  • If you wish to use FactionMaster on more than one server at a time, please modify the config.yml after starting your server for the first time with FactionMaster on it and change the PROVIDER: "SQLITE" with MYSQL. Enter your database connection details and restart your server.

Use resource pack

  • Download factionMaster texture pack available here
  • Install it on your server as a mandatory Texture pack
  • Put the line : active-image to true in config.yml file
  • Stop and start your server


  • /f, /faction, /fac: Opens the main menu of FactionMaster
  • /f top: Open the faction ranking
  • /f manage: Opens the faction management interface
  • /f sethome <:name>: Place a home at the player's location
  • /f delhome <:name>: Remove the faction home
  • /f tp <:name>: TP at the faction home
  • /f home: Opens the home menu
  • /f claim: Claim the current chunk
  • /f unclaim: Remove the current claim
  • /f create: Opens the menu to create a faction
  • /f map: Displays the map listing all claims
  • /f help: Displays the orders
  • /f info <:name>: Displays information about a faction
  • /f claiminfo: Displays information about a chunk
  • /f extension: Display extensions enabled For op only
  • /f scoreboard: Set the location to spawn top faction scoreboard
  • /f addflag: Add a claim considered like an area
  • /f removeflag: Remove a claim considered like an area
  • /f settings: Give all the FactionMaster settings
  • /f synchro: Submit task to make synchronisation manually of the database


Extensions, a new way to customize your plugin to your liking. You just have to download the plugin corresponding to the desired extension and place it in the corresponding folder on your server. If you have an urge to stop using the functionality, delete the plugin from your server and the changes will be gone! You can use those approved by the FactionMaster team or do it yourself (refer to the GitHub) and submit it to us if you feel like it.

All extensions made by the FactionMaster team and those approved by the FactionMaster team, which are accessible via poggit will be listed here.

  • Bank system : here by FactionMaster


To participate in the translation of FactionMaster and probably see yourself here, create a Pull Request on the FactionMaster GitHub. Once the language has been translated on the main plugin and on all the extensions listed in the Extension section, it will be added and all its contributors thanked.

  • French (fr_Fr): @ShockedPlot7560
  • English (en_EN): @ShockedPlot7560
  • Spanish (es_SPA): @MrBlasyMSK
  • Turkish (tr_TR): @xAliTura01


Adding and modifying extensions is rather simple and explained on the of the GitHub repository with a documentation for the handling of the API. Many extensions will be made and approved by the FactionMaster team to allow users to modulate the plugin to their choice. All approved extensions will have a line in the README and and listed in the Extension section .


 #      ______           __  _                __  ___           __
 #     / ____/___ ______/ /_(_)___  ____     /  |/  /___ ______/ /____  _____
 #    / /_  / __ `/ ___/ __/ / __ \/ __ \   / /|_/ / __ `/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/
 #   / __/ / /_/ / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / / / /  / /  / / /_/ (__  ) /_/  __/ /  
 #  /_/    \__,_/\___/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/  /_/  /_/\__,_/____/\__/\___/_/ 
 # FactionMaster - A Faction plugin for PocketMine-MP
 # This file is part of FactionMaster
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 # (at your option) any later version.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 # @author ShockedPlot7560 
 # @link

file-version: 9

# --------------------- DATABASE --------------------------

# Use only SQLITE or MYSQL
# To enabled Multiple server support
# please use MYSQL for PROVIDER, give the good information and restart the server
  host: "localhost"
  name: "FactionMaster"
  user: "root"
  pass: ""
  name: "FactionMaster"

# --------------------- GLOBAL CONFIGURATION --------------------------

# If you want to disable this feature, empty this array and reload your server
banned-faction-name: ["op", "staff", "admin", "fuck", "shit"]

xp-win-per-kill: 1
power-win-per-kill: 2
power-loose-per-death: 2
#Use to multiply the power win and loose if players are in factions
faction-multiplicator: 2
#check if player have armor equip
allow-no-stuff: false

default-home-limit: 2
default-claim-limit: 2
default-player-limit: 2
default-ally-limit: 2
default-faction-visibility: 0
default-faction-xp: 0
default-faction-level: 1
default-faction-description: ""
default-faction-message: ""
default-power: 0

min-faction-name-length: 3
max-faction-name-length: 20

# If it set to true, image will be display near button
# If it set to false, image will be disabled
active-image: true

faction-chat-active: false
faction-chat-symbol: "$"
faction-chat-message: "[{factionName}] {playerName}: {message}"
ally-chat-active: false
ally-chat-symbol: "%"
ally-chat-message: "[{factionName}] {playerName}: {message}"

help-command-header: "§8=§7=§8=§7=§8=§7=§8=§7=§8=§7= §bFactionMaster command §8=§7=§8=§7=§8=§7=§8=§7=§8=§7="
help-command-lign: " §8>> §r§b{command}: §7{description}"

# ------------------ BROADCAST MESSAGE CONFIGURATION ---------------------

broadcast-faction-create: false
broadcast-faction-create-message: "{playerName} has created the faction {factionName}"
broadcast-faction-delete: false
broadcast-faction-delete-message: "{playerName} has deleted the faction {factionName}"
broadcast-faction-transferProperty: false
broadcast-faction-transferProperty-message: "{playerName} transferred the property to {targetName} of the faction {factionName}"

# --------------------- F MAP CONFIGURATION -------------------------

# Set thiis value to false if you want to disable /f map on | /f map off
# Otherwise set this value to the number of ticks between each display 
f-map-task: false
#f-map-task: 40

available-symbol: ["/", "\\", "#", "$", "?", "%", "=", "&", "^", "$"]

player-symbol: "+"
player-color: "§b"

wilderness-symbol: "-"
wilderness-color: "§7" 
spawn-symbol: "-"
spawn-color: "§8" 
warzone-symbol: "-"
warzone-color: "§7" 

claim-color: "§f"
claim-ally-color: "§e"
claim-ennemie-color: "§4"
claim-own-color: "§b"

compass-color: "§c"
compass-color-actual: "§e"

map-width: 48
map-height: 10
map-header-color: "§6"
map-middle-header: ".[ §2({{x}},{{z}}) {{factionLabel}} {{headerColor}}]."

# --------------------- CLAIM CONFIGURATION --------------------------

  # the type is the same type as level reward, you can put :
  #   power / allyLimit / claimLimit / homeLimit / memberLimit
  #   to make your own reward, please read the documentation
  type: "power"
  # the start value for the first claim
  value: 200

# flat: cost all the time, the same price
# addition: first claim will be cost: Ex: 100
#      second claim will be cost: Ex: 200
#      second claim will be cost: Ex: 300
# multiplication: will be times by a factor
# decrease: descrease the start value by the factor
claim-provider: "flat"
# Equation for mutliplication :
#   cost-price = cost-start * (factor ** number-claim)
multiplication-factor: 2
#Equation for decrease
#   cost-price = cost-start - (number-claim * decrease-factor)
decrease-factor: 100

# If set to false, the player cant /f sethome in a ennemy claim
allow-home-ennemy-claim: true

# --------------------- TITLE CONFIGURATION --------------------------

# Set this to true if you want to display on player's screen the message when entering a claim
message-alert: true
# The following line define which message will be print
# on the screen of players when entering a claim chunk
# active parameter which can set : {factionName} / {colorStatus} / {x} / {z} / {world}
# - colorStatus : color set in the f map configuration
# to purpose a suggestion, open an issue on our github
message-alert-title: "{colorStatus}{factionName}"
message-alert-subtitle: "{x} - {z} - {world}"
# Defines the time that will be applied before the message is displayed again
message-alert-cooldown: 10

message-alert-flag-enabled: false
# -------------- TOP FACTION'S SCOREBOARD CONFIGURATION -----------------

# SEE leaderboard.yml to enabled and updated position of the leaderboard !

# This is the scoreboard header, display on the top
faction-scoreboard-header: "- Top 10 faction -"
# Lign patern for each faction
# you can use this parameter : 
# {factionName} / {level} / {power}
# to purpose a parameter suggestion, please open an issue on github
faction-scoreboard-lign: "{factionName}: Level {level}"

# --------------------- PLUGIN CONFIGURATION --------------------------

# Change this value only if you are sure of what you are doing, 
# reducing it may break some functionality of the plugin, 
# increasing it may reduce the players experience.
# Default: 60
timeout-task: 60

# Change this value only if you are sure of what you are doing, 
# reducing it may break some functionality of the plugin, 
# increasing it may reduce the players experience.
# Default: 200
# It will determine ow much time Database synchronisation will be done
sync-time: 200