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Email settings

The wordpress plugin that allows to customize the activation,reset password, email change, email change notification, password change notification E-Mail templates.
Updated 2 years ago

Email Settings

The plugin that allows to customize the activation,reset password, email change, email change notification, password change notification E-Mail templates.

Main Features

  • Customizable E-Mail letter title/subject
  • Customizable E-Mail letter message
  • Customizable E-Mail sender name(i.e sent from)
  • Customizable E-Mail sender e-mail(i.e sent from)

Theme Integration

email_settings_activation_email($url,$user) - a function to send custom activation E-Mail
$url - the actual activation URL to send
$user - the WP_User object of user who is about to be activated

An example of usage:

	$result = email_settings_activation_email($activation_link,$user);
    // fallback, send your default E-Mail using wp_mail

email_settings_changeemail_email($url,$user) - a function to send custom email change E-Mail
$url - the custom e-mail change URL to send
$user - the WP_User object of user whose e-mail should be changed

An example of usage:

	$result = email_settings_changeemail_email($url,$user);
    // fallback, send your default E-Mail using wp_mail

email_settings_resetpassword_email($url,$user) - a function to send custom password reset E-Mail
$url - the custom password reset URL to send
$user - the WP_User object of user whose password should be changed

An example of usage:

	$result = email_settings_resetpassword_email($url,$user);
    // fallback, send your default E-Mail using wp_mail

