Best laravel framework open-source packages.


Challenge proposed by It Seeds. With this test, they invited me to work with them in Portugal.
Updated 1 year ago

ItSeeds Challenge

Developer: Charles Annibal - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Laravel version: 5.5


You need set the database configs in .env file

You need execute the command "composer update" to load the dependencies of project.

Execute with the Laravel development server

To execute the project with a Laravel development server you need go to the project folder and execute the command "php artisan serve". But the url will be like

Execute in a shared host or http server like apache or a WAMP

To execute the project in a shared host or in a http local server you need put the project folder one level under htdocs folder and copy content from itseedsChallenge/public folder and paste into htdocs folder.

Is necessary change the file index.php onto htdocs folder:

Set "require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';" to "require __DIR__.'/../itseeds/vendor/autoload.php';"

and "require __DIR__.'/../vendor/bootstrap/app.php';" to "require __DIR__.'/../itseeds/bootstrap/app.php';"

Migrations and seeds

To run the migrations execute the command php artisan migrate

To run the seeds execute the command php artisan db:seed --class=ProductTableSeeder

Access the API

To access the product API you need an app like postman

Set the url to to access the API created with Laravel

You cannot access the url by browser

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