Simple Web Crawler

Simple Web Crawler

A Simple Web scraper. Using a URL and an HTML tag provided by a user scraps the page and returns...



Developed a stock trading web app using Python, Flask, SQLite3, Jinja, Bootsrap4, and HTML. This app enables users register and...

Text Summarizer App

Text Summarizer App

Boring long texts are no hurdles now, get the crisp summary instantly for all texts be it lengthy mails or...

coref web platform

coref web platform

Site for testing a coreference resolution system on a user-friendly web interface.

Flask Projects Dcau

Flask Projects Dcau

Machine learning model deployment, also known as putting models into production, refers to making your models available to end users...

nvc gpt3 chat

nvc gpt3 chat

This is the code I used to create a small private SMS text chat system that employs GPT3 from OpenAI...

beautiful flask tables

beautiful flask tables

This application shows how to load tables based on performance and user experience when viewing the displayed data.



A facebook like website, for coding. User can follow other users, create and share coding challenges, compile code online, and...

flask surveys container app

flask surveys container app

An example Flask app for public surveys (no user auth) designed to be run inside Docker and deployed to Azure...

flask restful_boilerplate

flask restful_boilerplate

A boilerplate for flask-restful API’s with Swagger UI front end. Boilerplate contains GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE methods for user...



Repository releasing a Quiz app powered by SuperAPI and ChatGPT application requests. The application has adaptable difficulty and multiple users...

tma cafe

tma cafe

Telegram Mini App for an imaginary cafe. It allows users to get info about the cafe, explore the menu, choose...

automate whapp

automate whapp

AutomateWhapp streamlines WhatsApp message distribution, allowing users to send personalized messages in bulk with custom names, dates, and times. It...



FollowSpot is a comprehensive audition tracking fullstack web application for entertainment industry professionals. This app allows users to store information/media...

Azure FastAPI Auth Example

Azure FastAPI Auth Example

FastAPI Azure SSO demo. A Python port from the primary Microsoft Flask example to a FastAPI app that uses similar...

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