AI Therapist

AI Therapist

A Flask and Deep Learning Project that recognizes the emotion/mood of the user via either a photo or voice or...

kickstart elk

kickstart elk

Our ELK (Elastic) starter-kit repository contains configurations of Docker, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Filebeat, Metricbeat, Heartbeat and other resources needed to...



By @Rohan

A real-time shareable GSQL editor, gives the users the power to collaborate while writing queries

Github API

Github API

🐍A python ⚗️flask API project which user 🍵beautifulsoup to scrape github and get the user repositories and return as JSON.



This repository contains the code for an online code editor called 8BIT. The editor allows users to write, edit, and...

stock simulator

stock simulator

This is stock simulation platform which gives user real time stock trade experience.

Cursed GPT

Cursed GPT

CursedGPT leverages the Hugging Face Transformers library to interact with a pre-trained GPT-2 model. It employs TensorFlow for model management...

ImageAI Flask Apps

ImageAI Flask Apps

This project offers two Flask applications that utilize ImageAI's image prediction algorithms and object detection models. These apps enable users...

Price Tracker

Price Tracker

This is a web application that allows users to track the prices of products from online shopping sites and receive...

music separation

music separation

A website to demonstrate the working of Open Unmix model where user uploads a .mp3 / .wav song file and...

privacy focused analytics

privacy focused analytics

🗃️ A toy analytics system for the web with a focus on user privacy.

HepsiTrendTech APIs

HepsiTrendTech APIs

Email verification, Model predict and User operations APIs.

Notes Web App

Notes Web App

📝 "Notes" is a fundamental web application that shares similarities with iCloud's 'Notes,' enabling users to create an account, sign...

flask webauthn demo

flask webauthn demo

Demonstration of using Flask, Webauthn, and Htmx to authenticate users painlessly without passwords




Using user's browser fingerprint for authentication.

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