

A Flask web application that enables users to track and work to elevate their mood.



It is a web app which provides the user a HTML Form that asks for user’s name, link of the...

tinder photos downloader

tinder photos downloader

TPD helps you to download your photos from you Tinder profile. Add user ID to you account in your Tinder...

PDF Converter Backend GPT3.5

PDF Converter Backend GPT3.5

This is a Flask backend that allows users to upload a PDF file and receive a simplified and humorous explanation...



Flask website that generate docx file and send it to the user

Requisition and Supply Management System

Requisition and Supply Management System

The application helps to keep track of all requisitions made within an organization. This was primarily used to keep logs...



MudraKosh allows the users to sign up and register as borrowers or investors. By registering as investors, the users get...

House Prices

House Prices

An example of a website to demonstrate how to use a pre-trained machine learning model to give predictions to a...



TinyHat.Me: Microservices deployed with Kubernetes that enable users to propose hat pictures and try on hats from a user-curated database.

document recommendation system

document recommendation system

A document recommendation system based on a hybrid of content based recommendation algorithm (cosine similarity in user profile embedding and...

IoT video surveillance

IoT video surveillance

Code for our paper titled "IoT Enabled Video surveillance system using Raspberry Pi." As the title suggests it's an IoT...

Stock Trading site

Stock Trading site

This is a replica of a stock exchange website where users can register themselves and sign-in, look up the current...

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

This web application halps the user to understand the trends and analysis of Automotive Industry in form of Visualization and...



HealthOrzo is a Disease Prediction and Information Website. It is user friendly and very dynamic in it's prediction. The Project...



By @tell-k

WSGI Middleware and web framework extensions for handling User-Agent.

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