

:cloud::monkey:DXC 新一代、轻量级项目生命周期质量管理平台。:computer::iphone:DEMO:

udacity fsnd flask catalog

udacity fsnd flask catalog

Python Flask web app with database, CRUD functions, Google Sign-In, and JSON API

flask restful api boilerplate

flask restful api boilerplate

This is boilerplate template for a Python Flask application with things you need to get started.



Running MedCAT as a RESTful web service

flask react

flask react

This is a docker container that has a base for a flask and react web application

api rest python sqlite3

api rest python sqlite3

Creación de una API REST usando Flask, Python, SQLite3 y JSON

flask restx api

flask restx api

Flask Restx api real world example that helps to create scalable rest api with swagger documentation in flask



Automatic RESTful OpenAPI server from a SQLite database.



Exposes GPIO sensor data via JSON REST endpoint.

ci cd tutorial sample app

ci cd tutorial sample app

A sample Python app that implements a REST API, with database migrations and CI/CD support.

flask empty api

flask empty api

AZAP Flask boilerplate for creating API's with flask.

keras rest API

keras rest API

A scalable Flask API to interact with a pre-trained Keras model.

flask vue starter

flask vue starter

Flask REST + Vue.js/typescript template app, docker setup, tests (pytest and jest), linters and code formatting (black and prettier)

restapis course

restapis course

Curso completo sobre REST APIs/Desarrollo Web



Flask REST API for Open Targets Platform

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