github search

github search

Searching made easier on Github

primary input devices requests

primary input devices requests

Control the Mouse 🖱️ and Keyboard ⌨️ using simple requests

authup py

authup py

By @Authup

Python plugins for the Authup authentication and authorization framework

Flask Movie

Flask Movie



web scraping challenge

web scraping challenge

Web scraping using Jupyter Notebook, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, and Requests/Splinter. MongoDB with Flask templating to create a new HTML page

machine_learning classificacao_licitacoes

machine_learning classificacao_licitacoes

O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a construção de um Web Crawler para a coleta de licitações presentes na plataforma...



A collection of applications developed while committing to #100DaysOfCode using Python.

web port knocking

web port knocking

By @Yitong

Simple port knocking implementation using web requests. 使用 web 请求的简单 port knocking 实现。

Reverse Proxy for Jobe

Reverse Proxy for Jobe

A reverse proxy for written in Python using Flask and Requests.

image retrieval

image retrieval

The RecipeRadar image retrieval service handles incoming recipe image requests from users of the frontend application

functions matplotlib

functions matplotlib

Returns dynamically generated images in matplotlib for cloud functions HTTP requests

Web Scraper

Web Scraper

A website-driven implementation that helps you to scrape links, domain information, images, and URL.

orca lookup python

orca lookup python

How to respond to an Orca Scan Lookup request using Python

thundering web requests

thundering web requests

Explore thundering web requests with different web serving technologies



run robotframework tests through a flask api using rvfbrobot for headless browser

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