python web api flask basic auth  mysql raw sql pop

python web api flask basic auth mysql raw sql pop

Creates an api of `pop` by using raw sql for a flask project.

python web api flask basic auth postgres raw sql simple

python web api flask basic auth postgres raw sql simple

Creates an api of `dog` by using raw sql for a flask project.

python web api flask basic auth postgres chained sql simple

python web api flask basic auth postgres chained sql simple

Creates an api of `dog` by using chained sql function for a flask project.

python web api flask basic auth mysql raw sql simple

python web api flask basic auth mysql raw sql simple

Creates an api of `dog` by using raw sql for a flask project.

python web api flask basic auth postgres raw sql pop

python web api flask basic auth postgres raw sql pop

Creates an api of `pop` by using raw sql for a flask project.

python web api flask basic auth postgres chained sql pop

python web api flask basic auth postgres chained sql pop

Creates an api of `pop` by using chained sql for a flask project.



Semester work on the subject of programming in Python

http worker

http worker

HTTP Worker is a simple REST API built with Flask and cloudscraper that allows you to get an HTTP response...



The project is a support ticket web application that allows users to create, manage and track support requests. The web...

store rest api v1

store rest api v1

A Store API built with Flask and Python, designed to manage stores and their associated items. The API utilizes a...



The project is designed as a web application that takes user input as a search key and returns the reviews...

python web api flask couchdbdb pop

python web api flask couchdbdb pop

Creates an api of `pop` document.

python web api flask sqlserver raw sql simple

python web api flask sqlserver raw sql simple

Creates an api of `dog` by using raw sql for a flask project.

python web api flask oracle pop

python web api flask oracle pop

Creates an api of `pop` table in default namespace `FREEPDB1`.

python web api flask questdb simple

python web api flask questdb simple

Creates an api of `dog` table.

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