opentracing utils

opentracing utils

Convenient utilities for adding OpenTracing support in your python projects

flask api

flask api

Simple Flask API to test GET, POST, DELETE and PUT request

Python Projects Dojo

Python Projects Dojo

Collections of python projects including machine learning projects, image and pdf processing, password checkers, sending emails, sms, web scraping,flask web...



This project is a Facebook Messenger chatbot that uses the OpenAI GPT-3 model to generate responses to user messages. It...



By @Treebo

A python library to generate corelation id and bind it to logs and headers of outbound request



A Raspberry Pi infrared remote control. The Python app has three parts: Functions to send commands to the infrared transmitter....

Microservices connector

Microservices connector

Inter-Service communication framework, support for microservice architecture and distributed system

flask graphite

flask graphite

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Push useful metrics for each request without effort!

pydantic webargs

pydantic webargs

By @NF1S

A library for parsing and validating http requests for Flask web framework using pydantic library

flask xsrf

flask xsrf

flask extension for defending against cross-site request forgery attacks (XSRF/CSRF)



my python mini projects as part of the complete python Pro Bootcamp for 2023 - 100 Days of Code course



Generates a "Match releases" expression for your autodl-irssi filter based on's "Most Requested DVD Release Dates" section.

flask email login

flask email login

A simple Flask app that doesn't request or store passwords but lets users login based on a login token send...



VITask is a Dynamic API server for VTOP with Moodle Integration. This project includes cross-platform applications for Android, Windows, and...

http File

http File


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