flask microservices

flask microservices

:electric_plug: Microservices with Docker, Flask, and React :electric_plug:



MicroVid2Audio is the ultimate video-to-audio converter. It uses microservices, RabbitMQ messaging, Docker, Kubernetes, and Python tech to ensure fast, high-quality...

Web app Gastroscopic Lesion Classifier

Web app Gastroscopic Lesion Classifier

A patch-based Gastroscopic Classifier web app with Python backend using Flask micro-framework and PyTorch modified Resnet-34 Convolutional Neural Network.

flask base

flask base

Base structure for a web application using the Flask micro-framework and the MVC software architecture pattern.

python opentelemetry

python opentelemetry

A project which collects traces from python micro services and exports them to Jaeger

microservices and blockchain oriented cheque settlement

microservices and blockchain oriented cheque settlement

A digital check settlement system made in Python flask, NodeJS and PHP.



MudraKosh allows the users to sign up and register as borrowers or investors. By registering as investors, the users get...

flask microservices main

flask microservices main

Flask microservices main

flask microservices

flask microservices

By @Tria

Flask microservices is a simple, lightweight attempt at bringing a self contained module hierarchy to Flask.



This micro-service is used to fetch git change log data i.e list of changed, modified and newly added files and...

python event driven microservices rabbitmq

python event driven microservices rabbitmq

Simple event driven micro-services using python (Django, Flask), React and RabbitMQ



Flask RestFULL API, mongodb, gunicorn, docker + VueJS Frontend



⚤👨👸 Ling is a Machine Learning Application using Flask Micro Web Framework and Naive Bayes Classifier which can predict the...

testdriven app

testdriven app

micro-services Python app with Docker, Flask, React

aws bootcamp cruddur 2023

aws bootcamp cruddur 2023

Ephemeral micro-blogging platform

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