greenventure main

greenventure main

This is the backend repository for the GreenVenture App, a mobile app that incentivizes users to recycle by rewarding them.



By @ryanta

A case study project, Full-Stack Restaurant Booking Reservation System. The project based on a job posting on freelance market. Built...

Resume Analyzer Project

Resume Analyzer Project

Natural language processing (NLP) based web application project that analyze resumes for a hiring company. The main aim of this...

AI Flower Classifier

AI Flower Classifier

The Flower Classifier is a AI Web App designed to classify pictures of flowers into five main classes: daisy, dandelion,...



This repository contains a Flask-based CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for managing products. It was developed as part of...

Coccidiosis Diseases classfication

Coccidiosis Diseases classfication

The main objective of this project is to develop a deep learning model capable of classifying coccidiosis diseases based on...



A project to learn REST API using flask. For now working on branch develop. I intend in future implement it...

BlackJack Game main

BlackJack Game main

This is a simple BlackJack game made in Fllask-Python

vehicle maintenance chatbot

vehicle maintenance chatbot

Vehicle Maintenance Chatbot provides relevant responses to user queries regarding their vehicle's maintenance, operation and health



A project to learn REST API using flask. I intend, in future, make it work with twitte's API.



Image Enhancer Super resolution website repository. Main website hosted in Render which is using Rest api to get inference from...

Maintenance Prediction Via MLOps

Maintenance Prediction Via MLOps

Deploying an end-to-end ml/dl model (for predicting maintaince for aircrafts by using dataset provided by NASA) into cloud server using...

Spam Classification Flask main

Spam Classification Flask main

A Web Based Spam Classifier built with python (flask) and classification is implemented using naive bayes classifier due to its...



Main repository for undergraduate work. You will find examples of Python, Java, Android development, Flask , web scraping, user experience...

aws maintenance window status

aws maintenance window status

Maintenance Window Monitoring using AWS, Python, Terraform and Flask.

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