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BlackJack Game main

This is a simple BlackJack game made in Fllask-Python
Updated 8 months ago

BlackJack Game

This is a simple BlackJack game made in Python

How to play

  1. Run the program
  2. Enter your name
  3. You're dealt 2 cards and the dealer is dealt 1 card
  4. You can either hit or stand
  5. If you hit, you will be dealt another card
  6. If you stand, the dealer will be dealt another card
  7. If your total is greater than the dealer's total, you win
  8. If your total is less than the dealer's total, you lose
  9. If your total is equal to the dealer's total, you tie
  10. If you get 21, you win
  11. If the dealer gets 21, you lose
  12. If you go over 21, you lose
  13. If the dealer goes over 21, you win

How to run

  1. Download the code
  2. Open the folder in your terminal
  3. Run the command python3
  4. Enjoy!
  5. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!


Waiting Players

waiting players

Start Game

start game

Hit or Stand

hit or stand

Player Wins

player wins

Tags main