frappe lms

frappe lms

The Library Management System is a full-stack web application designed to facilitate the management of books and members within a...

Basic Docker with Python API

Basic Docker with Python API

Basic Python Api with Flask library implemented with the Dockerfile. Docker is a software platform that allows you to build,...

Tenant Management Portal

Tenant Management Portal

This program is developed in Python using Flask Libraries as part of University course.



A library management system built using Flask.

flask library management

flask library management

Simple Library management web-app made with Flask and bootstrap

Tsundoku Library

Tsundoku Library

A visualization tool for a personalized library using the flask library

CodeClauseInternship_Library Management System

CodeClauseInternship_Library Management System

Library Management System implemented using Flask as my second golden project for the CodeClause internship.



Library Management System

Mpesa API

Mpesa API

A python flask library for interacting with the MPESA Daraja API



Atividade Final de Python - Construir um ChatBot para atendimento ao cliente



In this project, I make use of the embedded Watson AI libraries, to create an application that would perform sentiment...

Flask Vault

Flask Vault

Flask-Vault is a robust library that empowers Flask applications to securely store and manage sensitive credentials. It provides a set...

Sage eShop

Sage eShop

A simple sShop implemented by native HTML/JavaScript/CSS without external dependencies or libraries. The back-end is developed using Flask and MongoDB.



Dynamic web application developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Flask, and PostgreSQL, utilizes biometrics and the face-api.js library for user...

test cov python

test cov python

A repository for testing Test Coverage / Code Coverage frameworks, tools and libraries in Python

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