SpaceX API

SpaceX API

Made using Flask

healthcare website

healthcare website

Healthcare & CO - Fitness website was built using Python, Flask, Jinja, SQL, HTML, CSS, and Javascript

Python 100 Days of Code

Python 100 Days of Code

The "Python-100-days-of-code" repo is a record of my journey to improve my coding skills over 100 days. It's got daily...

flask web app

flask web app

Creating a web application utilizing the Flask framework.

Python 100 Days of Code

Python 100 Days of Code

The "Python-100-days-of-code" repo is a record of my journey to improve my coding skills over 100 days. It's got daily...



Web app version of Swim Log using Python, Flask, Jinja, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript. Final project submission for CS50X (2023),...

Kelvin Games WebApp_COMPSCI 235 A4

Kelvin Games WebApp_COMPSCI 235 A4

This is the final iteration of Kelvin Games made as part of Assignment 4 for COMPSCI 235 at the University...



📝 Elevate your blogging with our Flask platform—now with age/gender guessing, weather updates, and a finance section, all in a...

note manager python

note manager python

This is a simple full-stack python project where users can create, update, and delete notes from a database.

flask mega tutorial 2024

flask mega tutorial 2024

Build a Flask web application

Rustle v1

Rustle v1

Rustle is a music streaming app that is designed to provide users with a seamless and immersive listening experience. With...

flask react boilerplate

flask react boilerplate

A boilerplate application with serverside rendered HTML using Flask's Jinja Templates with ReactJS and ReactRouter on top for SPA



Code for my book recommender application built with Flask



Сервис укорачивания ссылок



A test chat socket with python (flaskio, flask and Jinja )

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