d3 flask playground

d3 flask playground

My repository to learn some basic functionalities integrating d3 with flask applications.



Flask web application framework with Text summarization techniques and D3.js dynamic charts hands on.



Leverages D3.js to create a node graph visualization of a keyword search.

Belly Button Biodiversity DataSet

Belly Button Biodiversity DataSet

Interactive dashboard to explore belly button biodiversity by sample in the dataset.



An attempt to capture a snapshot of tech in Florida & South Florida

belly button biodiversity website

belly button biodiversity website

Belly Button biodiversity analys

dataviz top songs

dataviz top songs

:notes: Interactive viz of songs with playcount and listener statistics (D3 + Flask + Mongo)

fitness app

fitness app

A fitness app that analyzes a woman’s cycle and birth control method to provide tailored nutrition and fitness recommendations.



Create interactive plots using Javascript, HTML, and CSS



This site presented 2020 election data using a heat map of the United States with state and county level winner...

Epro Fitness Beta

Epro Fitness Beta

This is the first iteration of E/Pro - a fitness app that analyzes a woman’s cycle and birth control method...



Interactive Visualization to get insight of correlations between various Risk Factors(Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes), Demographic status and Access to...

DS 2.3 DS in production

DS 2.3 DS in production

This course covers the tools and techniques commonly utilized for production machine learning in industry. Students learn how to provide...

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