REST APIs using Flask in Python

REST APIs using Flask in Python

In this project, I have worked on creating REST APIs with full CRUD features including authentication and authorization using Flask...

flask rest api barebones with authentication

flask rest api barebones with authentication

By @MO

Flask Rest-API boilerplate with JWT authentication

flask crud

flask crud

By @Joe G

A Python Flask CRUD application template with mySQL, Bootstrap, modal dialogs, Font Awesome icons, flask-migrate, authentication, sessions, email verification, webform...

flask sample app

flask sample app

A sample flask app that covers APIs best practices and concepts like authentication, authorization, user session management using redis.

Tableau WebApp with Flask BackEnd

Tableau WebApp with Flask BackEnd

Web Server with Python Flask back-end and authentication, with index and few Tableau dashboards.

cilogon vouch proxy example

cilogon vouch proxy example

Example of how to use CILogon with Vouch-Proxy and Nginx to enable authentication for a variety of generic applications

Encode De Code

Encode De Code

An Encryption toolkit made to make cryptographic tools and techniques available and accessible to everyone. It can be used to...

flask jvm

flask jvm

This is a demonstration of Flask and with WTForms running on Jython and uses Apache Shiro, Java security framework...

flask boilerplate

flask boilerplate

Flask boilerplate using the application factory with basic authentication.

authup py

authup py

By @Authup

Python plugins for the Authup authentication and authorization framework



Handle OAuth2 authentication for REST APIs

Flask authgen jwt

Flask authgen jwt

A flask library in which uses pyjwt to encode and decode JWTs but with the improvements in which you can...

flask auth example

flask auth example

By @Riadh

A simple Flask authentication example using Flask-Login.

Flask Mongoengine Boilerplate

Flask Mongoengine Boilerplate

This is a boilerplate project for CRUD and authentication in Python Flask with MongoDB (mongoengine)

FlaskKube api

FlaskKube api

A API deployed in Kubernetes and Docker which has been built using Flask and SQL . Authentication and all CRUD...

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