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Flask jvm

This is a demonstration of Flask and with WTForms running on Jython and uses Apache Shiro, Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session management.
Updated 1 year ago

Flask and meet JVM (or how to use Apache Shiro with them)

This is a small proof-of-concept project that mixes Flask, and Apache Shiro.

Apache Shiro is a Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session management. You may also be interested in reading this article as well.

This is a demonstration of Flask and with WTForms running on Jython and uses Apache Shiro.


  1. Please refer to requirements.txt in each folder to install mandatory Python libraries. I have created a virtualenv, you may want to do as well.

  2. Then add Apache Shiro libraries to your CLASSPATH.

  3. Install Jython (I have tested on Jython 2.7a2).

  4. Run the program: jython -Dpython.path=$PYTHONPATH

Default Login

This demonstration uses ini files. A sample ini file is provided (shiro.ini). Default login details are:

  • Username: shiro, Password: shiro