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Phone recharges

Backend project - API used for phone recharges. The user can buy telephone credits for his phone by informing his phone number. Created utilizing Python, Flask, TDD, Clean Architecture, etc.
Updated 9 months ago

Phone Recharge Project

API (CRUD) used for phone recharges. The user can buy telephone credits for his phone by informing his phone number.

Built With

  • Python
  • Pytest
  • TDD
  • Clean Architecture
  • Flask
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • ORM (SQLAlchemy)
  • Relational database
  • PostgreSQL
  • GIT
  • Docker


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Install requirements
pip install -r requirements
  1. Set environment variable. Update (or create) the .env file with the following information:
    PS: Type in a postgres user and password of your choice.
  1. Docker (Set up Postgresql)
docker-compose up


  • Go to project folder.

    • Run:
      python3 or flask --app app_flask run --port 5001
    • Access:
  • For tests use:
    python3 -m pytest

API Endpoints

  • There's a postman collection in the project files with the list of the resources and their respective parameters. phone-recharges.postman_collection.json
HTTP Verb Endpoint Action
GET /company Return the list of companies
POST /company Create a new company
DELETE /company Delete a company
GET /company/products Return the list of products
POST /company/products Create a new product
PUT /company/products Update a product
DELETE /company/products Delete a product
GET /recharge Return the list of recharges
POST /recharge Create a new recharge
Tags pytest tdd