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Shotwell web client

A web client for Shotwell photo manager
Updated 3 years ago

Shotwell Web Client screenshot

A very simple and responsive web client that tries to mimic the Shotwell interface with infinite scroll and event views. It will connect to the application's SQLite database to find photos and use the already generated thumbnails without modifying or creating anything. It streams both photos and videos.

Uses Flask, Bootstrap, jQuery, Justified Gallery and Swipebox.

Installation and usage

pip install git+

The user that will execute the web server must have access to the database, photos and thumbnails.


Check the file if your Shotwell installation requires different paths.

DATABASE = "~/.local/share/shotwell/data/photo.db"  # database path
THUMBPATH = "~/.cache/shotwell/thumbs/"             # thumbnails path
LOAD = 25                                           # images to load on scroll


git clone
cd shotwell-web-client
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd shotwell_web_client
npm install
DEBUG=True python

Additional scripts

  • shotwell-thumbnailer generate missing thumbnails without browsing Shotwell
  • shotwell-sync-dirs syncronize directory structure of files, moving them to their exposed time adjusted on Shotwell
Tags cli python