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Weather app flask

This project is a simple web application built with Flask, a Python web framework, to retrieve and display weather information for a given city. It utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch current weather data.
Updated 2 months ago

Weather Application

This project is a simple web application built with Flask, a Python web framework, to retrieve and display weather information for a given city. It utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch current weather data.


  • Allows users to input a city name and retrieve the current weather information.
  • Displays temperature, humidity, and weather conditions for the specified city.
  • Uses Flask for handling HTTP requests and rendering HTML templates.
  • Utilizes the requests library to make API calls to OpenWeatherMap.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Set up a virtual environment if desired.
  3. Obtain an API key from OpenWeatherMap and store it in a .env file as OPENWEATHER_API_KEY=your_api_key.
  4. Run the Flask application by executing python in your terminal.
  5. Access the application in your web browser by navigating to http://localhost:5000.

Libraries Used:

  • Flask: A lightweight web framework for Python.
  • requests: A library for making HTTP requests in Python.
  • dotenv: A library for loading environment variables from a .env file.

Note: Ensure to keep your API key secure by not exposing it in any public repositories. Use environment variables or configuration files to store sensitive information securely.

Tags requests