Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

Jquery snake

A simple snake game made with JavaScript, JQuery library, CSS, HTML and the Python Flask framework as backend.
Updated 2 months ago

Classic Game of Snake!

A simple snake game made with JavaScript, JQuery library, CSS, HTML and Python Flask framework as backend.

Make sure you have Python 3 installed and pip as well. If so in the terminal pip install flask and download the code. To run the code open up the terminal and type in:


open up any browser of your choice and goto:

localhost:2406 to play the snake game. 

The game is far from perfect and can be improved a whole lot, I wanted to limit myself and test my JavasScript, HTML and CSS abilities by using only one library which is JQuery.

The web application in general is not very efficient as it uses a lot of recursion, as every move the snake moves is chains of recursive functions. The snake, parts of it's body, the food and even the body are all HTML div tags.
