Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

Flask website

A light-weight Flask-based blogging platform
Updated 2 years ago


The code that powers my personal website,

Built with Python, HTML5, CSS3, and a tiny bit of JavaScript.


To install and test:

  1. Download or clone the repository.

  2. Install all necessary dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You may want to initialize a virtual environment before doing this.

  1. From the repository's root directory initialize a database:
flask db init
  1. Migrate the database models to the new database:
flask db migrate -m "add users and posts tables"
  1. Upgrade the databases with these tables:
flask db upgrade
  1. From the repository's root directory start a Flask shell with flask shell and add a user to the database:
user = User(username='testuser', email='')
  1. Start up the Flask development webserver:
flask run
  1. Open a browser and go to localhost:5000 to test the visitor-facing frontend.

  2. Go to localhost:5000/auth/login/ and login with the email and password you set in step 6.) to see the admin dashboard.

Tags sqlite