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Python restful api with db

Flask,RESTFul API and MySQL example in Python
Updated 3 years ago

Python RESTFUL Api with MySQL

  • I used Flask Lightweight framework and Jsonpickle convert data to json data object.
  • I create Product class. I create dummy datas involved Product properties in my_database.db database.
  • When user routed to localhost/products url adress, api will search all products with query and return all products. So GET method is used to this section.
  • When user routed to localhost/products/int:productId url adress, it will return information about this productId.If there is not productId in database api will return 404 code.
  • User can use other DELETE, PUT, POST HTTP methods on Products through RESTFUL api.

How to run application?

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run