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SnailPass Server

The core infrastructure backend for SnailPass password manager (API, database, Docker, etc).
Updated 2 months ago


SnailPass is a simple, opensource and multiplatform password manager. At the moment there are clients only for Windows and Android. This repository is the server. SnailPass-Server project contains the RESTful API, database, and other core infrastructure items needed for the "backend" of all client applications.

The server project is written in Python using Flask. The codebase can be developed, built, run, and deployed cross-platform on Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions.

How it works

Encryption in client applications implemented using a symmetric algorithm with a hashed master password as a key. At the same time the key isn't stored anywhere and never transmitted over the network. For this reason, the data can be decrypted only locally and the server stores only the cipher.

Cryptographic algorithms

  • AES-CBC as a symmetric-key algorithm.
  • Pbkdf2 as a key derivation function.
  • SHA-512 as a hash function.

Libraries and extensions

  • Flask-RESTful as an extension for Flask that adds an abstraction for building REST APIs
  • SQLAlchemy as a SQL toolkit and ORM
  • pytest as a library for codebase testing

Developer Documentation

Please refer to the Deployment Guide down below to quickly spin up a server container. Check out API Documentation to learn about all the features, endpoints and request/response structures.



You can deploy SnailPass-Server using Docker containers on Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions. Use the provided terminal commands to get started.


Development configuration

Uses Flask's development server (port 5000) and SQLite database which recreates every time container is started.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Production configuration

Uses uWSGI server, postgres database and nginx as reverse proxy (port 80).

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml exec flask python recreate_db 

NOTE: Execute last command only if you starting container for the first time or if you want to CLEAR production database.
Production config also requires .env, nginx.conf and uwsgi.ini files with sensitive info in the project directory.

.env file template:
