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The ultimate flask front end

The Ultimate Flask Front-End + fixes + deploy on AWS Lambda
Updated 4 years ago


This repository is an extension to the excellent "The Ultimate Flask Front-End", which is about several years old, and broken in a few places. This repository addresses those breakages. This repository also provides minimal instructions to deploy the app to AWS Lambda.

1. Setup

pip install -r requirements.txt
bower install
npm install

2. Local testing:

To test locally, run the following commands in two different tabs, and visit http://localhost:5000:

sh ./

3. Upload to AWS

  1. Create a build/ directory at the top level

  2. Copy project/ into build/

  3. Copy project/static/scripts/js, project/static/css and project/templates recursively into build/

  4. Deploy either using:

    4.1. zappa (read the instructions carefully and deploy to exactly 1 region). One thing to note is you don't explicitly need to create a Lambda handler; zappa will do it for you.:

    zappa init
    zappa deploy

    4.2. Alternately,

    • create a Lambda handler function in build/
    • create a CloudFormation stack by packaging the build/ directory and deploying it to a Lambda function.
Tags lambda