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Online Store Microservice

Repository created for an online product sales system
Updated 6 months ago

🏪 Online Store Microservice

Microservice developed to manage an API responsible for controlling the product and sales data of an online store.

This project was developed for my full-stack development specialization and is related to two more microservices. For more information, just access the project description.

🛠️ Built With

📋 Prerequisites

Make sure you have Docker installed and running on your machine.

Once this is done, check if the external network puc-microservice is already created. To check, run the following command in the terminal:

docker network ls

If the network does not exist, run the following command to create it:

docker network create puc-microservice

▶️ How to run

To start the application, simply run via terminal:

docker-compose up

Open http://localhost:5000/ in your browser to check the running project status.