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News portal

News sharing portal using Python Flask framework
Updated 1 year ago

Newsportal using Python Flask


This is a news sharing portal where users can login, register, view, create, update & delete news.

Platform used

i) Flask
ii) SqLite
iii) HTML
iv) CSS

How to run

Step 1: Clone the repository and extract/unzip the folder
Step 2: open terminal inside the newsportal folder and create a virtual envirorment by running this command : python -m venv venv
Step 3: Activate virtual environment by runing this command: venv\Scripts\activate
Step 4: Install required packages by runnig this command : pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5: cd into parent folder by cd.. command
Step 6: run these commands to set project and set development mode:
set FLASK_APP=newsportal
set FLASK_ENV=development
Step 7: Define and access Database by running this command : flask init-db (there will be a folder named instances where database file will be stored)
Step 8: Finaly run the project by flask run. there will be a link given which you will have to copy and paste into the browser.

Newsportal Screenshots


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Update & delete

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