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A rich, fast, performant and easy to use application framework to build apps using Flask on top of it.
Updated 8 months ago


A rich, fast, performant and easy to use application framework to build apps using Flask on top of it.

Pyrin is an application framework built on top of Flask micro-framework to make life easier for developers who want to develop an enterprise application using Flask, without having to make their own core layer and getting better code design and structure that is more maintainable.

Pyrin could be used as the parent package of an application, so other application packages will use its functionality and features to maintain their goals without worrying about basic implementations. It is also possible for application packages to extend existing Pyrin packages.

Pyrin point of view is to build an application which is more decoupled, so making it possible to have customized implementations of different packages and also making it easier to write unit-test packages.

Another major fact of Pyrin is to avoid centralized locations for application features, so a team of multiple developers be able to work on the same repository without facing conflicts here and there. Also reducing the chances of annoying bugs due to forgetting to register something in somewhere.


Install using pip:

pip install pyrin

Running Tests

To be able to run tests:

  1. Pyrin tests are developed using pytest, you should first install pyrin tests dependencies using pip:

pip install pyrin[tests]

  1. Now you could execute python3 to start all unit tests.

Demo Application

A demo application developed using Pyrin framework is available at: Pyrin-Demo

Contribute In Pyrin Development

We highly appreciate any kind of contributions to Pyrin development. Fork Pyrin and implement a new feature and make a pull request, we'll let you know when your work becomes a part of Pyrin. So, open the project in your IDE and create your pipenv environment. Then you could start developing Pyrin.

Extremely Simple Usage Example

The sample code below, is just a rapid showcase on how to develop using Pyrin. for a real world application, it is best fit to use the concept of dependency injection and IoC which Pyrin is built upon.

To be able to create an application based on Pyrin, the only thing that is required to do is to subclass from pyrin Application class in your application package. this is needed for Pyrin to be able to find out your application path for generating different paths and also loading your application packages. there is no difference where to put your subclassed Application, in this example we put it inside the project's main package, inside

Sample Project Structure:

  • root_dir
    • demo

from pyrin.application.base import Application

class DemoApplication(Application):

from pyrin.database.model.declarative import CoreEntity
from pyrin.database.orm.sql.schema.columns import GUIDPKColumn, StringColumn, SmallIntegerColumn

class GuestEntity(CoreEntity):

    _table = 'guest'

    id = GUIDPKColumn(name='id')
    name = StringColumn(name='name', max_length=100, validated=True)
    age = SmallIntegerColumn(name='age', min_value=1, validated=True)

from pyrin.api.router.decorators import api
from pyrin.core.structs import DTO
from import get_current_store

from demo.models import GuestEntity

@api('/introduce/<name>', authenticated=False)
def introduce(name, **options):
    introduce yourself to us.
      - name: name
        type: string
        description: your name
          type: string
          description: a welcome note
    store = get_current_store()
    guest = GuestEntity(name=name)
    return 'Hello dear {name}, you have been added into our database.'.format(name=name)

@api('/guests', authenticated=False)
def guests(**options):
    gets the list of all guests.
          type: array
            type: object
                type: string
                format: uuid
                description: id of guest
                type: string
                description: name of guest
                type: integer
                description: age of guest.
    store = get_current_store()
    return store.query(GuestEntity).all()

@api('/', authenticated=False)
def hello(**options):
    shows the welcome message.
              type: string
              description: welcome message
              type: integer
              description: count of current guests
    store = get_current_store()
    count = store.query(
    result = DTO(message='Welcome to our demo application, please introduce yourself.',
    return result

from demo import DemoApplication

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = DemoApplication()

Now you could start application by executing this command in your terminal:


Application will be available at by default.

Pyrin on default configurations, will use an in-memory sqlite database.

Creating a New Pyrin Project

Pyrin has a command line tool that can be used to create a new project. to use the command line interface of Pyrin, install Pyrin and then open a terminal and write:

pyrin project

after hitting enter, a couple of questions will be asked to create your project, answer questions accordingly, and your project will be created without a hassle.

Using Project's Extended Command Line Tool

After creating a new project using pyrin project command, a file will be generated in the root of your new project directory. there are a couple of command groups that can be used to perform different actions. execute each command with --help option to see all available commands of each group.

  • Builtin Commands:

    • python alembic
    • python babel
    • python template
    • python security
  • Integration Commands:

    • python celery


Pyrin has builtin integrations for different services. to use each one of integrations inside your application, you must install dependencies of that integration.


pip install pyrin[celery]

To enable celery after installing its dependencies, open settings/packaging.ini file and remove pyrin.task_queues.celery from the ignored_packages list.


pip install pyrin[sentry]

To enable sentry after installing its dependencies, open settings/packaging.ini file and remove pyrin.logging.sentry from the ignored_packages list.


pip install pyrin[redis]

To enable redis after installing its dependencies, open settings/packaging.ini file and remove pyrin.caching.remote.handlers.redis from the ignored_modules list.


pip install pyrin[memcached]

To enable memcached after installing its dependencies, open settings/packaging.ini file and remove pyrin.caching.remote.handlers.memcached from the ignored_modules list.

Built-in Swagger UI Support

Pyrin has built-in support for Swagger UI thanks to Flasgger. all of your api services are available on swagger without anything needed to be done. but you can enhance Swagger UI of your application by setting a good yaml docstring for your api method views. You can head over to to test the Swagger UI.


This project is inspired by the awesome Deltapy framework by:

Unfortunately I couldn't find any links to it online.


Pyrin is a greek word and means core.