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Predict attire for weather

Based on the weather for the day, recommend the attire for a comfortable day ๐ŸŽ“
Updated 9 months ago

Predict Attire for Weather

We will use the Dark Sky Weather API to get our weather data. Based on that we will make a prediction on what the attire should for a comfortable outdoor activity.

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  1. Get DarkSky API Key

  2. Setting up the environment

    • Get the application code

      yum -y install git
      git clone
    • Update your API key

      In the file src/config/prod_config.json update your api key

  3. Run applicaion on (Amazon) linux Machine

    • Get the application code from git (from the previous step)

      cd /var/predict-attire-for-weather
      gunicorn --bind wsgi:application --access-logfile - --error-logfile - --capture-output --enable-stdio-inheritance
  4. Run as Docker Image

    Assuming you have docker host ready, Run the Setting up the environment instructions, and then execute the below,

    cd /var/predict-attire-for-weather
    ### Build the image
    docker build --tag="predict-attire-for-weather" .
    ### Run the Image
    docker run -dti -p 80:80 --name attire_recommender predict-attire-for-weather
  5. Test the app

    Access the linux server IP/Docker Host IP in your browser, you should be seeing something like this, Predict Attire for Weather

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  1. Source Repo

  2. Docker Hub


Level: 300

Tags lambda python