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Flask rest starter

Base project to build REST APIs using Flask + Flask-RESTful + marshmallow
Updated 5 years ago



Base project to build REST APIs using Flask + Flask-RESTful + marshmallow.

This project contains the components needed to develop, test and deploy as docker image REST APIs with Flask. An example API, a countries CRUD, is included.

Local development environment

python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


flask run

Run tests


Build Docker image and run

docker -t myimage .
docker run 5000:80 myimage

After that, go and check http://localhost:5000/restexample/countries

Examples in /app/restexample

  • defines input and output schemas used on the API
  • endpoints/*.py shows how to implement different REST API endpoints
  • maps endpoints to url paths

This project groups endpoints into blueprints. If you create a new blueprint, register it in app/

Example schema

class ListArgsSchema(Schema):
    limit = fields.Integer(required=False, validate=[
                           validate.Range(1, 100)], missing=100)
    offset = fields.Integer(required=False, validate=[
                            validate.Range(0)], missing=0)

class CountrySchema(Schema):
    code = fields.String(required=True, validate=[validate.Length(max=255)])
    name = fields.String(required=True, validate=[validate.Length(max=255)])

Example endpoints

class CountriesList(Resource):
    @output(CountrySchema, many=True)
    def get(self, args_cleaned):
        limit = args_cleaned.get('limit')
        offset = args_cleaned.get('offset')

        countries = countries_list[offset:offset+limit]

        return countries, 200, {'x-next': request.base_url + "?offset=%d&limit=%d" % (offset+limit, limit)}

    def post(self, data):
        country = Country()
        CountrySchema.toObject(data, country)
        return None, 201

Note the decorators @output, @qsargs and @inputbody:

  • @qsargs: validates query string parameters using a marshmallow schema.
  • @inputbody: validates the request body using a marshmallow schema.
  • @output: transforms the method output using a marshmallow schema.