Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

CS50x Final Project

Web-based password manager
Updated 1 year ago


A web-based password manager written in Flask.

Axiom is a password manager that allows you to save every password you want easily and safely. Every password saved on the site is encrypted and only you can see it.

  • This site is a project for the Final Project of the CS50x Course.


Video demo:


Explanation of each file:


    • This file contains all the setup that Flask will have to start when the server is started, By setting a Secret Key, the settings for the session, database access , and the "registration" of two files containing other parts of the site. It also has two functions involving 404 and 500 errors.

    • This file contains 3 functions that "help" me in some things:

      • login_required -> This function does not allow the user to enter certain specified pages without logging in.

      • encryption -> This function allows you to encrypt any message you pass through the parameter using the Cryptography library.

      • decryption -> This function has the same procedure as the Encryption function, but this instead of encrypting, decrypts the message.


    • Also this file contains 3 functions that concern user authentication:

      • login -> This function allows access through your credentials to the site where you keep saved passwords.

      • register -> This function that allows the creation of your account by entering a username and a password.

      • logout -> This fuction allows you to disconnect from your account without deleting it (by default the disconnection from your account takes place every 24 hours) and to regain access to your passwords you will need to login first.


    • This file contains many important functions of the site, specifically contains 9 functions:

      • index -> this function allows you to see all your saved passwords (in a table on the main page) by connecting to the database.

      • add -> This function allows you to create items containing all the information you will put together with the password you want to save.

      • update -> This is a function that allows you to update your item that you already have.

      • secret -> This function shows you, in a dedicated page, all the information of your item.

      • delete -> This function deletes the item you want from the database without having a chance to retrieve it.

      • account -> This function refers to the page named "account" and allows you to see your account information (username and password).

      • updateAccount -> This is a function very similar to the one called "update" that instead of updating the item, you can update your account information.

      • deleteAccount -> This function is also very similar to the one called "delete", but this allows you to delete the account losing all the passwords you have saved.

      • search -> This function allows you to search for items you own without wasting time searching for a specific item among others, in the search there is only 1 parameter, you can search by name or by email.

  5. database.db

    • This file contains the database ( created with Sqlite3 ) where every account information and passwords it has are kept. ( all passwords that are kept are encrypted and only you can see decrypted )

Now we have two (three with flask_session that is created automatically when you access the site starting it locally) folders:

  1. static

    • index.js

      • passwordCheck -> This function checks if the password and password confirmation on the registration page are longer than 7 characters.

      • confirmCheck -> This function checks if the password and password confirmation are the same, always on the registration page.

      • seePasswordLogin and seePasswordAccount -> These two functions have the same functionality, they allow you to see passwords without the '*', they have the same functionality but in different pages.

      • deleteItem -> This function, when you delete an item, makes you appear a request for confirmation for deletion and if the confirmation is confirmed, sends the id of the item you have to the function in the file.

      • copyToClipboard -> This function allows you to copy the information you have in an item, through a special button.

      • deleteAccount -> This is a function exactly the same as the function above DeleteItem, but it sends the id of your account to the function located in the file to delete your account.

    • style.css -> This file is used for formatting the website layout making it more cool.

    • images -> This folder is used for keep the images used on the website.

  2. templates

    • This folder is used to store all the HTML files, inside there is also another folder that inside it there is 1 HTML files regarding user authentication.


Below, I will list all the changes I want to make to the website:

  • A URL for the site

  • More security on site

Run Locally

Do not put any personal password that you currently use on any site. This site is a test and it’s one of my first projects I have done.

Clone the project

  git clone https://(link-to-project)

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install dependencies

  1) pip install Flask
  2) pip install cryptography
  3) pip install cs50

Start the server

  python3 -m flask run
Tags password