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Flask movies

A Python API that uses Flask Framework
Updated 3 years ago

Flask Movies API

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🎥 What is this?

Flask Movies is a Python API project created to taste the powerful of Flask Framework. This project also uses MongoDB as persistence layer. The theme of the API is "movies": you can list, read, update, create and delete movies.

API Endpoints:

  • GET /movies HTTP/1.1: Return a list of movies with minimal informations
  • GET /movies/<imdb> HTTP/1.1: Return a specific movie object with minimal informations
  • PUT /movies/<imdb> HTTP/1.1: Update a specific movie object with minimal informations

🔨 Preparing the environment


All code was written with Python 3.6, so, for a correct running, it is recommended to install this one.

After Python installed, it is required to install all dependencies. You can use Pipenv or Virtualenv. If you are using Pipenv, use the following command to install from Pipfile:

$ pipenv install

...and active the environment:

$ pipenv shell

However, if you are using Virtualenv, you need to activate the environment and install from requirements.pip file:

$ source YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_DIRECTORY/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.pip


Install MongoDB in your machine and import the data from dump directory:

$ mongorestore dump

Be sure MongoDB process is running.

🏃 How to run

Export environment variable to tell Flask which file must be loaded and then run Flask:

$ export
$ flask run
* Serving Flask app "app"
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

or simply run with:

$ python
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Choose what you prefer.

Optionally, you can set debug mode to have more control about your development tests (like automatic code reload):

$ export FLASK_DEBUG=1

Run the API again and enjoy it!