Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

Updated 7 months ago

redis-rest-api, the project :

TLDR; This is a Python very simple REST API to access Redis data

This project started as I wanted to have a lightweight container with a Flask API to access Redis DB easily.


To work properly, the API will require informations and credentials.
We assume they are passed to the container in ENV variables.

Gunicorn variables : Most of these variables have default values, and are not Mandatory

  • GUNICORN_CHDIR: Change directory to specified directory before loading apps. (Defaults: /code)
  • GUNICORN_HOST: Run the server using this specific host (Defaults:
  • GUNICORN_PORT: Run the server using this specific host (Defaults: 5000)
  • GUNICORN_WORKERS: The number of worker processes for handling requests. (Defaults: 1)
  • GUNICORN_THREADS: The number of worker threads for handling requests. (Defaults: 2)
  • GUNICORN_RELOAD: Restart workers when code changes. (Defaults: True)

API variables :

  • ACCESS_TOKEN: JWT Token used to restrict access to the API (Default: None)
  • CODE_ENOTFOUND: HTTP return code if the requested KEY does not exists in redis (Default: 404)

ENV global variables :

  • LOGURU_LEVEL: Minimal level for log output (Default: DEBUG)

Security warning :
ACCESS_TOKEN is here to protect you and avoid the API to be publicly accessible.
Set this variable, and/or put other protection mesures in front of the API (ie: restrict access with nginx) Don't blame the project if you fail with this.

Output on server start

2023-01-09 16:53:33 | level=DEBUG    | utils.redis:<module>:24 - Redis Connection OK (r)
2023-10-19 16:53:33 | level=SUCCESS  | __main__:<module>:108 - Config: ACCESS_TOKEN set. API protected
2023-10-19 16:53:33 | level=DEBUG    | __main__:<module>:110 - Config: CODE_ENOTFOUND: 200
2023-01-09 16:53:33 | level=INFO     | gunicorn.glogging:info:264 - Starting gunicorn 20.1.0
2023-01-09 16:53:33 | level=INFO     | gunicorn.glogging:info:264 - Listening at: (609)
2023-01-09 16:53:33 | level=INFO     | gunicorn.glogging:info:264 - Using worker: gthread
2023-01-09 16:53:33 | level=INFO     | gunicorn.glogging:info:264 - Booting worker with pid: 610


I mainly used :

And of course GitHub to store all these shenanigans.


You can build the container yourself :

$ git clone
$ cd redis-rest-api
$ docker build .

Or the latest build is available on Docker hub: lordslair/redis-rest-api:

$ docker pull lordslair/redis-rest-api:latest
latest: Pulling from lordslair/redis-rest-api
Digest: sha256:34729944fd2f1eaebb50983081c76c2162488165f76d400f82b69c1db97b88ff
Status: Downloaded newer image for lordslair/redis-rest-api:latest


PyTests have been wrote and the builds are tested to pass them.
Tests are accessible in the folder tests.


Always store somewhere safe your ACCESS_TOKEN.
I won't take any blame if you mess up somewhere in the process =)

Resources / Performance

The container is quite light, as Alpine is used as base.

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                 TAG       SIZE
lordslair/redis-rest-api   latest    82.5MB

On the performance topic, the container consumes about :

  • 0,1% of a CPU
  • 64MB of RAM


They will be added as PR here:
I'm open to requests/comments/ideas/issues in PR section.

Tags redis