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Mobile catalog

Single page web app to store and retrieve Mobile Information with Google OAuth2 User Authentication.
Updated 1 year ago

Mobile Catalogue

AngularJS Single Page App to store and retrieve Mobile Catalogue Information. Flask is used to provide Back-end support for app with JSON endpoins. Users can create accounts using their Google accounts (Uses OAuth2 User Authentication).

Tech Stack

  1. Python
  2. Flask
  3. AngularJS
  4. Bootstrap3
  5. SQLAlchemy

How To Run

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Install the required modules using the following command

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. change working directory to be the folder that contains

  4. run this to use flask cli commands

    $ export
  5. Initialise database and its tables using

    $ flask initdb
  6. start the application server by

    $ python

JSON API Endpoints

  1. To get all categories and their items http://localhost:5000/?json=all
  2. To get only items under a category http://localhost:5000/?json=category&category={category_name}


  1. Using OAuth2 based user syste to manage site contents
  2. Secured cookie usage
  3. Single Page app using AngualrJS


Home Categories

Notes while deploying:

  • Any database engine can be used for the apllication backend if they are supported by SQLAlchemy and the respective db engine driver is installed.
  • Update the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI variable in the to use correct connection URI to the database.
  • Update the authorised URI section in the Google Credentials and then update the client_secrets.json file.