Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

Web dev flask

In this repository you will find a web application using Flask, a light weight WSGI web application framework. The application is running and you can check it clicking on the link.
Updated 2 years ago

MIT Python

Web Development with Flask

This repository contains the source code of a web application using Flask.

The website can be accessed clicking here


The list of Python packages to run this application can be found in requirements.txt

Just run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To build a perfect replica of the packages.

Docker Deployment

Clone the project into your local machine using the command:

$ git clone

Change to the directory where the project was cloned:

$ cd web-dev-flask

Make sure Docker is up and running and you have docker-compose installed. Then run:

$ docker-compose up

Open your browser and paste the below url:




Tags wsgi readme