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Shorty router

:checkered_flag: Redirection service for shorty , to be hosted publicly.
Updated 1 year ago

🏁 Shorty-Router

Redirection service that can be publicly hosted , while the dash Shorty is hosted on private server.

Getting Started

Setting the virtual environment

pip install virtualenv

Create the virtual environment inside the project directory

virtualenv env

Here env is our virtual environment , now change to project directory

cd shorty-router

Then install the requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Activate the virtual environment

source env/bin/activate

Script for running the app

shorty_router.ini has the config for running the application

To run the app

uwsgi --ini shorty_router.ini &

shorty-router runs on port 8080 , can be changed in shorty-router/

🎉 done!