Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

Planetary API

Flask API using Docker container
Updated 4 years ago

Planetary API

List of known planets so far discovered

Getting Started

  1. Clone or Pull the repo

  2. To use the email functionality you will need to create .env file and add the following environment variables

  3. To be able to use JWT for content management add the following enviroment variable to .env

  4. Run the following shell command

     ./ && ./
  5. Open you browser and visit localhost:5000 or execute the following shell command to verify the app is running

     curl localhost:5000

You should received the message Hello World

NOTE: if you are using Windows, consider executing point 4 using git bash

You may follow this instructions if you like to set up your own Flask and Python environment

Docker CLI (which is done by the .sh scripts provided)

  1. Build the image with

     docker build -t [img_name]

Default image name flask-web-app

  1. To run the image

     docker run --name [app_name] -v $PWD/src:/www/src -p 5000:5000 [img_name]

Add a -d to run in the background

Default app_name flaskapp

  1. Start the image

     docker -i start [app_name]

The -i indicates for interactive mode if needed for debugging

  1. Stop the image

     docker stop [app_name]


Just having Docker, because is more fun that way

How does it work

The following routes are available (to be updated)

  GET /planets
  PUT /add_planet
  DELETE /delete_planet/<planet_id>

Example from GET /planets

    "distance": 100000000.0,
    "home_star": "Golden Orb of Day",
    "mass": 1.08e+25,
    "planet_id": 1,
    "planet_name": "Aiur",
    "planet_type": "Class M",
    "radius": 6636.0
    "distance": 67240000.0,
    "home_star": "Sol",
    "mass": 4.867e+24,
    "planet_id": 2,
    "planet_name": "Venus",
    "planet_type": "Class K",
    "radius": 3760.0

Running the tests

In progress


In progress


  1. Refactory
  2. Create modules
  3. Single responsitility implementation
  4. Update routes
  5. Middleware for content management

Built With

  • Python3 - Programming Language
  • Docker - Container
  • Flask - Web Framework
  • SQLAlchemy - SQL Toolkit and ORM
  • JWT - Used to generate, check, validate user identity and content management


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is based on the course Building RESTful APIs with Flask with customizations and modifications done by Henry Valbuena. That's me 😄


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details