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Catalog linux

A RESTful web application built with Python framework Flask with SQLAlchemy and with Google OAuth Sign-In authentication.
Updated 5 years ago

Item Catalog Project

As part of the Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree with Udacity


This application is a catalog listing items in various categories. It includes user registration and authentication system. The web app allows logged in users to add new items, edit and delete the one they created.


  • Authentication and authorization with Google Sign-In OAuth API
  • CRUD via SQLAlchemy and Flask
  • JSON endpoints

Running the Item Catalog Project

  1. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox
  2. Download/Clone the Vagrant VM file fullstack-nanodegree-vm
  3. Launch Vagrant in the terminal with command
vagrant up
  1. Run the virtual machine with
vagrant ssh
  1. Then navigate to the shared directory
cd /vagrant
  1. Navigate to fullstack-nanodegree-vm
  2. Run the file to create the database (if you are not using the database already populated with filling values)
  1. Run the application:
  1. In the browser, open http://localhost:8000/ and use the interface to navigate the web app

  2. JSON request can be made at URL http://localhost:8000/catalog.json/ for all categories and items in the database. To output a single item, add the item id where it stated insert_id#_here at the following link: http://localhost:8000/catalog/item/insert_id#_here/JSON

Code Style

Python pycodestyle (formally pep8)

Tech/Framework used: