Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

Art 17 Consultation Tool

|travis| |docker|

.. |travis| image:: :target: .. |docker| image:: :target:

.. contents ::


  1. Install Docker_

.. Docker: 2. Install Docker Compose

.. _Docker Compose:

Installing the application

  1. Get the source code::

     $ git clone
     $ cd art17-consultation
  2. Customize env files::

     $ cp docker/app.env.example docker/app.env
     $ cp docker/db.env.example docker/db.env
  3. Customize docker orchestration::

     $ cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml
  4. Start stack, all services should be "Up" ::

     $ docker-compose up -d
     $ docker-compose ps
  • Create your user and assign admin role to it::

      # for local user
      ./ user create -e user_email -i user_id -p <password>
      # for Eionet user
      ./ user create -i user_id --ldap
      # make it admin
      ./ role add -u user_id -r admin


Details about configurable settings can be found in

Configuring the LDAP SERVER

The authentication is provided by a LDAP SERVER.
Add the following configuration variables to the app, using the
correct URLs for the LDAP server:


Data Import
Initially the application's database is empty. We need to import data
from a dump (the old 2006 app's database or the new reporting data).
First we need to load this dump into a separate database::

    mysql -e 'create database art17_2006 CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;'
    mysql art17_2006 < art17_2006.sql

Then we can import this data into our app's database. Make sure to
specify the right schema version, in this case '2006'::

    ./ dataset import -d import-from-2006 -i 'mysql://user:pass@localhost/art17_2006' -s 2006

An optional argument ``-f`` (fallback) exists. When there are no records to import
in a table, it copies the entire table from the specified dataset.

Upgrading the application

1. Get the latest version of source code::

        $ cd art17-consultation
        $ git pull origin master

2. Update the application stack, all services should be "Up" ::

        $ docker-compose up -d
        $ docker-compose ps

Development hints


User ``requirements-dev.txt`` instead of ``requirements-dep.text``::

    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Configure deploy

- copy ``fabfile/env.ini.example`` to ``fabfile/env.ini``
- configure staging and production settings
- run ``fab staging deploy`` or ``fab production deploy``

Running unit tests

Simply run ``py.test testsuite``, it will find and run the tests. For a
bit of speedup you can install ``pytest-xdist`` and run tests in
parallel, ``py.test testsuite -n 4``.

Factsheet generator

Printouts work using `wkhtmltopdf 0.12.1`. Using another version may cause
problems in rendering pdfs.

If you don't have this version installed, add it to your virtualenv.

1. Go to and select the build
   corresponding with your system. Copy the direct link into your clipboard

2. Install it locally in your virtualenv

    * For RedHat-based systems in production::

         wget $PASTE_URL_COPIED_AT_STEP_1
         # $PACKAGE is the file downloaded with wget
         sudo rpm -i --prefix=/var/local/wkhtmltox-0.12.1 $PACKAGE.rpm
         # If the command fails because the file is already installed
         # copy `wkhtmltopdf` from the installation directory and skip
         # the next command
         cp /var/local/wkhtmltox-0.12.1/bin/wkhmtltopdf sandbox/bin/

    * For RedHat-based development systems::

         # If you don't work on projects that require other versions
         # Install this version globally
         wget $PASTE_URL_COPIED_AT_STEP_1
         sudo rpm -i $PACKAGE.rpm

    * For Debian based systems::

         wget $PASTE_URL_COPIED_AT_STEP_1
         dpkg-deb -x wkhtmltox-0.12.1_<your_distro>.deb sandbox
         cp sandbox/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf sandbox/bin

Development instructions using Docker

Make sure you set DEBUG=True in app.env to reload the changes.

* Start stack, all services should be "Up" ::

        $ docker-compose up -d
        $ docker-compose ps

* Check application logs::

        $ docker-compose app

* When the image is modified you should update the stack::

        $ docker-compose up -d --build

* Delete the containers and the volumes with::

        $ docker-compose down -v


* Please make sure that `DEBUG=True` in `app.env` file.

* Update docker-compose.override.yml file `app` section with the following so that `` is not executed::

        entrypoint: ["/usr/bin/tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]

* Attach to docker container and start the server in debug mode::

        $ docker exec -it art17consultation_app_1 bash
        # ./ runserver -t -p 5000

* See it in action: http://localhost:5000


The project owner is Søren Roug (soren.roug at

Other people involved in this project are:

* Cornel Nițu (cornel.nitu at
* Alex Eftimie (alex.eftimie at


Minimum requirements:
 * 2048MB RAM
 * 2 CPU 1.8GHz or faster
 * 4GB hard disk space

 * 4096MB RAM
 * 4 CPU 2.4GHz or faster
 * 8GB hard disk space

Any recent Linux version.
apache2, local Postgres server

Copyright and license

This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the EUPL v1.1.

More details under `LICENSE.txt`_.

.. _`LICENSE.txt`:
Tags docker python