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Sigsci scim server

Example SCIM Server for doing provisioning in Signal Sciences
Updated 3 years ago

SigSci SCIM Server Example

Basic SCIM Server based on Okta's Example at


It should be as simple as running python

There are self signed certs that you can use for testing but I recommend creating your own or using real certs...


I have setup the server to use Three headers for authentication. These values are effectively passed on to the SigSci API.


Name Value
x-api-user This is the username to authenticate to Sigsci with i.e.
x-api-token API Token of the API User for authentication
x-api-corp API Name for your corp


The Scim server supports the following methods:

Method Path Function
GET /scim/v2/Users Get all users in Signal Sciences. With how the SigSci API works there is one call two get the basic list and then for every user a call to get the site memberships. So if you have 10 users that would be 11 API Calls
POST /scim/v2/Users This will create a new user
GET /scim/v2/Users/<user_id> This will get the details for that specific user, returns 404 if not created
PATCH /scim/v2/Users/<user_id> This will update a user, with the SigSci API only the role and sites are updatable, everything else cannot be changed
PUT /scim/v2/Users/<user_id> Due to the previously mentioned contstraints on updating a user, put will actually DELETE the user. There is no way to mark as inactive in SigSci