Best Flask open-source libraries and packages


Create desktop applications with flask, and this library
Updated 7 months ago


Flask for desktop

Build a desktop application with flask. All you need is to add the provided file, and Flask for desktop in your dependencies

How it works in a few words

Basicaly, when the app is launched, Flask for desktop runs the flask server alongside a desktop window and/or the main browser of the user's system.

The user's experience is similar with an 'electron' application, but there, it is python inside instead of JS.

How to do it

1. Code your flask app as usual

2. Installation

pip install flask-fd

3. get the files

If you start your app from scratch:

flask-fd plop starter

If you've already done your app and just want to convert it:

flask-fd plop converter

This one will give you a file that you'll just have to configure following the steps in the comments.

The file appear in your current working directory. Fill the parameters in the given file.