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StackOverflow lite

StackOverflow-lite is a platform where people can ask questions and provide answers.
Updated 5 years ago


Is a platform where people can ask questions and provide answers.

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StackOverflow-lite is a platform where people can ask questions and provide answers.

StackOverflow-lite Required Features

- Users can create an account and log in.
- Users can post questions.
- Users can delete the questions they post
- Users can post answers
- Users can view the answers
- Users can accept an answer out of all the answers to his/her queston as they preferred answer

Optional Features

- Users can upvote or downvote an answer.
- Users can comment on an answer.
- Users can fetch all questions he/she has ever asked on the platform
- Users can search for questions on the platform
- Users can view questions with the most answers.

Sample Tasks

Pivotal Tracker Board Stories

StackOverflow-lite Installation Steps

    $ git clone
    $ cd StackOverflow-lite
    $ virtualenv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt  

Run the Application

    $ export DATABASE_URL="Copy Your DATABASE_URL here"
Another option is to create and open the .env, then paste your postgres url
    #.env file
    DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost/database_name i.e
    $ python runserver

Testing the Application

    $ pytest --cov=app

Run Individual Tests


List of API Endpoints

Users API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Functionality
POST /api/v1/auth/signup Registers a new user
GET /api/v1/auth/users Returns a list of all registered users
GET /api/v1/auth/users/{user_id} Returns a user with the specific user_id
POST /api/v1/auth/login Login a user

Questions API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Functionality
POST /api/v1/questions Add a question to the database
GET /api/v1/questions Lists all questions in the database
GET /api/v1/questions/{question_id} Retrieve a question with the given id
PUT /api/v1/questions/{question_id} Edit a question by logged in user
DELETE /api/v1/questions/{question_id} Delete a specific question

Answers API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Functionality
POST /api/v1/questions/{question_id}/answers Add an answer to a question
GET /api/v1/questions/answers Lists all answersin the database
GET /api/v1/questions/answers/{answerID} Retrieve an answer with the id
PUT /api/v1/questions/{question_id}/answer/{answerID} Edit answer
DELETE /api/v1/questions/{question_id}/answer/{answerID} Delete answer
POST /api/v1/questions/answers/vote/{answer_id} Upvote/DownVote an answer
POST /api/v1/questions/answers/comment/{answer_id} Comment on an answer




This was the Andela Cycle-36 Pre-bootcamp Challenge Preparation.


Tony Blair

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