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Tic Tac Toe with an added challenge, built with Flask, ES6 and WebSocket
Updated 7 months ago

Super Tic Tac Toe

Super Tic Tac Toe (aka Ultimate Tic Tac Toe) is a more challenging version of Tic Tac Toe. Instead of a regular three by three board with nine squares, the layout of STTT consists of a three by three board with nine Tic Tac Toe boards (one for each Tic Tac Toe square). To win STTT, a player must win three boards horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Player X can choose which board to play the first move. Each player may only move within the currently highlighted board.

Once a player has made their move, the next valid board will be highlighted. This board is determined by the previous players' move.

You can find complete rules here.

This game was created with Flask, HTML and Vanilla JS. I also made use of flask-socketio and to handle the websockets communication. This game started out as a Ultimate TicTacToe game meant to be played locally only (two players on one browser) as an Vanilla JS and OOP refresher. I recently rehashed the game to include Flask and websocket support so two players can connect over the web and play!

Future Plans

  • Allow for different modes. User can choose between 2 Player(local), 2 Player(online via game code), or 1 Player vs AI

Setup Instructions

  1. activate virtual environment
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run python and visit
Tags websocket