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Shows the number of votes given through Twitter hashtags
Updated 3 years ago

Twitter votes

Terminal application that casts votes on Twitter, by making use of its REST API. This app configure which hashtags are going to be monitored and it will automatically, from time to time, fetch the latest tweets matching that hashtag, count them and display them in a user interface.

  • OAuth authentication to consume data from the Twitter API
  • Command-line parser using the ArgumentParser module
  • Reactive programming using the Rx (Reactive Extensions for Python) module
  • concurrent.futures* module to enhance the performance, running multiple requests to the Twitter API in parallel
  • User interface using the Tkinter module



Inside the project folder, run the commands: Create the virtual environment, activate it and install the dependencies

python3 -m venv venv
. twittervotes/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy the configuration file

cp config-example config.yaml

Create an Twitter app on the Twitter developer page

Copy the consumer_key and consumer_secret to config.yaml

Hit python to authorize and generate the .twitterauth file, close the browser and stop the server

Run the application

python --help
usage: twittervoting [-h] -ht HASHTAGS [HASHTAGS ...]

Collect votes using twitter hashtags.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

require arguments:
  -ht HASHTAGS [HASHTAGS ...], --hashtags HASHTAGS [HASHTAGS ...]
                        Space separated list specifying the hashtags that will be used for the voting. Type the hashtags without the hash symbol.
Tags oauth python