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Control the Spotify application through the terminal
Updated 3 years ago

Music terminal

A simple terminal client that acts as a module wrapper for Spotify's REST API where users can search for artists, browse the artist's albums and tracks, and finally play a song in the user's active device, which can be a computer, mobile phone, or even a video game console.

  • OAuth, Implement the two types of authentication flow that Spotify supports: the client credentials flow and the authorization flow
  • Request to consume REST APIs
  • User interface with curses


NOTE: You need a premium account to reproduce music


Inside the project directory: Create the virtual environment, activate it and install the dependencies

python3 -m venv venv
. musicterminal/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy the configuration file

cp config-example.yaml config.yaml
  1. Create an musicterminal application in your Spotify developer account
  2. Copy the client_id and client_secret to config.yaml
  3. Hit python in your terminal and follow the steps to gtet the authorization.
  4. Close yu browser window and stop the server.

Run the application

Tags oauth python