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Built an app to scrape websites for data pertaining to the Mission to Mars and created an HTML page displaying my findings.
Updated 1 year ago



First, I automated a web browser to visit different websites to extract data about the Mission to Mars. Secondly, I stored the data in a NoSQL database and rendered the data into a web application created with Flask. Finally, I created a web app that continuously updates with new information regarding the Mission to Mars. The current web app includes all four hemisphere images, the most recent facts about mars, and a featured mars image (all from the NASA website).

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Main Objectives:

  • Set up the necessary scraping tools (Splinter, Web-Driver Manager, bs4 (BeautifulSoup, Flask, and MongoDB). Also, ensure that Homebrew is updated and ready to create a database using Mongod.
  • Create a MongoDB database to store the necessary data for the web scrape.
  • Create a web application through Flask that portrays the data.
  • Scrape the data using the index.html to ensure the data was properly loaded into the database.
  • Update the Web app with all of the required materials and ensure that it displays accurately.
  • Customize the Web app to provide users with a clean and updated source.

Add Bootstrap Components:

  • Changed the background of the website to "beige"
  • Change the header background color to "slategrey"

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Tags mongodb