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A Python Command-Line Tool to Initialize a Python-Flask App with Template Code. A create-react-app like tool for Flask Projects.
Updated 1 year ago

flinit 0.2-beta

Flinit ( flask init ) is a Python Command-Line Tool to Initialize a Python-Flask Project with Boilerplate Code and other required tools.

Flinit is a create-react-app like tool for Flask Projects.


  • Creates Project Working Directory
  • Spins up a Python Virtual Environment
  • Generates Flask App File,
  • Installs Flask and CORS (optional)
  • Adds Flask and CORS Helper Methods
  • Adds Boilerplate Code to
  • Generates initial environment requirments file
  • Adds to the project
  • Generates .gitignore for Python Project
  • Initializes Git for Project.


Flinit can be used on any system with Python and PIP installed and PIP added to the OS Environment Path.


Flinit can be installed using Pip.

pip install flinit

Using Flinit to Create a Flask Project

After installing flinit using pip, goto any CLI and use the flinit command to setup the Flask App.

flinit [projectName] [location] -g -r -c

flinit [projectName] [location] -gt -rd -cr

flinit [projectName] [location] --git --readme --cors

projectName - The Name of the Project.

location - Path where Project is to be setup.


-h or --help - Provides Instruction about how to use Flinit.

-g or -gt or --git - Flag to add git to project. If this flag is used, git will be initialized for the project.

-r or -rd or --readme - Flag to add to project. If this flag is used, a README file is generated.

-c or -cr or --cors - Flag to install and CORS to project. If this flag is used, CORS is installed and added a helper method is added to the file.

flinit in Action

Flinit Helper

"Flinit Helper"

Creating a Flask App webapp

"Flinit In Action"

Flask App webapp, initialized using flinit

"Flinit In Action"

Tags cli python