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Fast Food

Fast-Food-Fast is a food delivery service app for a restaurant.
Updated 4 years ago

Build status Coverage Status Maintainability Test Coverage Build status Codeship Status for Simbadeveloper/ GitHub issues

GitHub license

Fast-Food-Fast is a delivery service app for a restaurant


I create a repository at github page
used git clone to clone the repository to my personal computer
added UI folder which will be used to store my HTML files am working on my project.
Created a branch feature then added the UI folder then commited.
used the following command for the above process

$touch UI
$git checkout -b branch feature
$git status
$git add UI
$git commit -m "initial commit added UI folder"
$git push origin feature

Adding my work ptogress on html/css/javascript

i clone the repository to my personal computer again
created two branches

  1. feature-user branch for the user work
  2. feature-admin branch for the admi work
    added the user work (user folder) to feature-user branch,commit the push to the branch.
    added the admin work (admin folder) to feature-admin branch,commit then pushed to the branch.

Pivotal tracker link

This project is hosted at the following url:

admin route:

user route:

landing route:

Addition files

Files that i added include the following

1.coveralls.yml to test the climate cahnges of my repository

2.Travis to test my tests on my repository contain details of my repository

4.Requirements.txt contains my dependencies python file( and the test (


i test my endpoints using postman


  • To test the endpoints, from the table bellow, copy the endpoint and add it to the url.
Endpoint description Method
/api/v1/ Home GET
/api/v1/auth/signup signup POST
/api/v1/auth/confirmation Confirm a user GET
/api/v1/v1/auth/login login a user POST
/api/v1/auth/admin admin route alone POST
/api/v1/auth/user/ Guest user /admin POST
/api/v1/auth/guest/ Guest route GET
/api/v1/auth/forgetpassword Retrieve a passwor GET
/api/v1/account Details of a user GET
/api/v1/order Make an an order POST
/api/v1/order/int:orderid Delete an order DELETE
/api/v1/order/int:orderid Modify an order PUT
/api/v1/order/ Get all orders made GET
/api/v1/order/int:orderid Get a specific order GET
/api/v1/logout logout GET
Tags tdd python