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A backend RESTful API that provides information on registered books
Updated 1 year ago

Books API

made-with-python License: MIT

This is a books API that provides basic information on registered books, including their titles, authors, and ratings.

The backend code follows PEP-8 style guidelines.

Getting Started

  • Base URL: Currently this backend app can only be run locally. It's hosted by default at which is set as a proxy in the fronend configuration.

  • Authentication: This version of the application does not require one, nor API keys.

From the backend folder run pip install requirements.txt. All required packages are included in the requirements file.

To run the application, run the following commands inside the backend folder, but outside flaskr folder:

export FLASK_APP=flaskr
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

Frontend [Not Applicable]

Inside the fontend folder, run the following commands to start the client:

npm install // Only once to install dependencies
npm start

By default, the frontend will run on localhost:3000.


To run tests, go to the backend folder and run the following commands:

dropdb bookshelf_test
createdb bookshelf_test
psql bookshelf_test < books.psql

Omit the dropdb command for the first time running the tests.

Error Handling

Errors are returned as JSON obejcts in the following format:

  "error": 404, 
  "message": "Not Found", 
  "success": false

The Error types the API returns when requests fail are:

HTTP Status Code Response
400 Bad Request
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
422 Unprocessable Entity


GET /books

Returns a list of books objects, success value and total number of books. Results are paginated in groups of 5. Include a query argument to choose page number (e.g. ?page=1).

  • Sample Request:
curl -X GET
  • Sample Response:
  "books": [
      "author": "Leila Slimani", 
      "id": 1, 
      "rating": 2, 
      "title": "Lullaby"
      "author": "Amitava Kumar", 
      "id": 2, 
      "rating": 4, 
      "title": "Immigrant, Montana"
      "author": "Madeline Miller", 
      "id": 3, 
      "rating": 1, 
      "title": "CIRCE"
      "author": "Tara  Westover", 
      "id": 4, 
      "rating": 4, 
      "title": "Educated: A Memoir"
      "author": "Kristin Hannah", 
      "id": 5, 
      "rating": 4, 
      "title": "The Great Alone"
  "success": true, 
  "total_books": 25

POST /books

Creates a new book by submitting the information for a title, author and rating. It returns the ID of the newely created book in the DB, the submitted information, success value, number of total books.

  • Sample Request:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"author":"Mark Manson", "title":"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck", "rating":"9"}'
  • Sample Response:
  "books": {
    "author": "Mark Manson",
    "id": 26,
    "rating": 5,
    "title": "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck"
  "created_book_id": 26,
  "success": true,
  "total_books": 26

DELETE /books/{book_id}

Deletes the book with the given ID. Returns the ID of the deleted books, success value, list of current books, and current number of total books.

  • Sample Request:
curl -X DELETE
  • Sample Response:
  "books": [
      "author": "Leila Slimani",
      "id": 1,
      "rating": 2,
      "title": "Lullaby"
      "author": "Amitava Kumar",
      "id": 2,
      "rating": 4,
      "title": "Immigrant, Montana"
      "author": "Madeline Miller",
      "id": 3,
      "rating": 1,
      "title": "CIRCE"
      "author": "Tara  Westover",
      "id": 4,
      "rating": 4,
      "title": "Educated: A Memoir"
      "author": "Kristin Hannah",
      "id": 6,
      "rating": 5,
      "title": "The Great Alone"
  "deleted": 26,
  "success": true,
  "total_books": 25

PATCH /books/{book_id}

Updates the information of the book with the given ID. Returns success value and the ID of the updated book.

  • Sample Request:
curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"author":"Tara  Westover", "title":"Educated: A Memoir", "rating":"4"}'
  • Sample Response:
  "id": 4,
  "success": true